Wow, I’m so embarrassed that we have had to let this blog slip. But as the title states “Live Happens”. Actually, it’s more like a carnival. There’s the Merry-Go-Round that whirls too fast, the world’s largest and most treacherous roller coaster, bumper cars (as a friend reminded me yesterday) and the I think they call it “The Hammer” – that ride that takes you up way high and drops you from the top. And they best part is we all signed up to get into this crazy place!
My last communication was about death and dying. We have been experiencing this journey over a year of ups and downs with Gary’s mom as she traversed her death path toward re-birth. It was a long, hard journey for the whole family. There was such a mix of emotions as we could only bear witness to her journey. This long journey came to an end on February 28, 2008. Fortunately, with our shamanic experiences we have a very positive outlook on the death of the physical being, but that doesn’t change the fact that we will no longer have our Mom to talk to or hug. The whole family will now begin to relax and grieve after holding vigil for so long.
Besides holding constant vigil for the last eight months, we’ve had the usual mix of life – the "j-o-b" that tends to overtake the time allotted, kids with trauma/drama, tooth issues, and the routine holiday bouts of the flu (mine has lasted two months!). Then there is our shamanic work/play that for me personally gets pushed aside until life settles a little and I can devote my attention to assisting my clients. I like to give them my undivided attention.
If anyone thinks that being a “shaman” exempts one from all the crap life can throw our way – guess again! As you can see, we play same dramas as everyone else. We simply have tools to help us respond instead of react (at least most of the time). This is the goal of our shamanic coaching – to empower our clients to experience life from a different perspective. Soul Recovery helps to bring back parts of our vital energy that allow us to see our world differently. We are able to clear long term patterns in our lives and heal ourselves of our emotional wounds (and physical) that trigger our emotions. We begin to recover our true self and become whole again.
As for the blog, I am committing to making a conscious effort to post weekly. I think I will keep them shorter so that I can keep up when "life happens".
Thanks to everyone for your support and understanding during these trying months for us.
Mitakuye Oyasin ( A Lakota prayer as a reminder that we are all related),